The Gospel Outside of the Church Building - Alternative Properties
Your church has been exponentially growing and you want to take the next step in serving the families of your church and community. What does that look like? Well, it could look like many things. For some, the next step may look like establishing a church retreat or summer camp!
Summer Camp Properties
Summer camps are some of kids favourite times of the year. Is it because they have freedom? Is it because there are lots of fun activities? Is it because they're learning about Jesus? Possibly all of the above and more! Not only are these camps a great way to evangelize and attract people to your church, it is also an opportunity to serve others in your community. While a summer camp can often be down right in your church, often a secondary location helps attract families and can provide a unique experience. While a summer camp may seem like an intimidating task to begin, there are lots of programs and partnerships available with other companies and churches to assist through this process. It often helps to start off in a smaller nearby location and expand to a travel location in the future.
Retreat Recreation Properties
A newer idea involving a small getaway for kids, families, or other church members has emerged recently. This concept is founded on the biblical principle of rest. Hebrews 4:11 says "Let us therefore strive to enter that rest". So how can a church help their members rest? One idea which is being adopted is to purchase a smaller recreational property. This sounds quite strange and odd, but it is kind of like that cool family who has the getaway summer cottage. Instead, it is the church family who has this. Often members pay a small fee for cleanup, electricity, etc., almost like an Airbnb! Such recreational properties can start a much lower price than you may think! Some starting <$100k in the Fraser Valley area!
The idea when considering a recreational property is to provide rest and extracurricular relationships within your church and community. The benefit of rest and of these recreational times are priceless. It is such an opportunity we, as the church, have to provide and serve others. Recreational areas can be found within 1 hour of almost all major cities, making the getaway not as rural as you may think.
If you have any questions regarding Recreational Properties, be sure to Contact Me to discuss more!